Main Features
- Repair tasks
- Periodic interventions alerts
- Vehicule health monitoring
- Stock management
- Fuel seizure records
Main Strengths
- Carry out repairs tasks In the event of a breakdown, the municipal garage is assigned the intervention.
- Managing parts and supplies The technician fills in the parts used in the task. The manager takes care of the stock and supplies.
- Be alerted on periodic interventions The module notifies of upcoming maintenance and repair tasks.
- Manage fleet renewal The manager identifies aging vehicles veillissants with the amortization period, mileage, etc…
Car fleet Module
Software for municipal management
Features in details
Inventory and assignment
- Inventory, Repository that can contain all the desired characteristics for each vehicle : technical, financial, administrative information…
- Asignment, Asignment of permanent use to a person, team or department
- Reservations, Loan/ rental of a vehicle en liaison with the Reservations module.
- Repairs, Interventions on broken down vehicles.
- Revisions, Oil change, filters, brakes, change of tires…
- Technical checks, Alert on technical checks, inspections.
- Supplies, Spare parts management link with purchase and Stock module.
- Identification, Name, category, supplier/ provider, effective date, notice, renewal, etc.
- Recurrence, Frequency of technical control, inspection…
- Alerts, Warning when a notice and contract renewal occurs.
- Statement, Of fuel intakes of each vehicle. Automatic input by import or interface with the specific software.
- Expenses, Monitoring of furl consumption costs.
- Invoice/Tickets, Adding the scanned document as an attachment.
Our CMMS benefits
For Car Fleet Module
The objective of the car fleet module is to allow the technical services to better understand the municipality’s vehicles fleet.
Manage contracts (insurance, maintenance and upkeep) and regulatory controls. The car fleet module includes a simple and effective alert mechanism so that nothing is forgotten (expiry of a contract or a verification).
For the technical department
The advantages of this car fleet module for the municipality is to be able to easily analyze the costs. One one side we find expenses already spent with a breakdown between maintenance, repairs, controls. On the other side we find the expenses that will be spent in the years to come, multi-year operations to carry out for example. There is a direct correlation here with projected budgets.
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